Drone Scavenger Hunt

Geared towards school age.  Class is limited to 10.  Registration is required.  PA Forward :  Information Literacy

Story Time

Story time Tuesdays at 11:00am for ages 5 and under 1 hour with stories, songs, rhymes, crafts and playtime.

Wee Cook

For children ages 2 and up.  Activities include magna tiles, building blocks, keva planks and other STEM materials.  PA Forward : Information Literacy.

Mother Goose on the Loose

Mother Goose on the Loose is a 30 minute interactive nursery rhyme program that focuses on babies and toddlers.  This is part of PA Forward - Basic Literacy,

Mother Goose on the Loose

Mother Goose on the Loose is a fun-filled 30-minute interactive story time session that uses rhymes, songs, puppets, musical instruments and more to stimulate the learning process of babies and toddlers. Wednesdays at 11am

Ewe & I Knitting

Join our small group as we work on fabric crafts - knitting, crochet, and cross stitch.